New Work, Elise 14 month update

I’m now sitting here in the open work area in my new office. Yes, still in the IT department, still a programmer.

Elise can walk now, just before her 14 month birthday.  She’s like a walking zombie with her arms out when she toddles.  She enjoys walking now, rarely asking to be carried na (unless if it were me or Pau)  And she’s so madaldal. Check out her videos in my videos page.

I miss my daughter more when I’m at work.  At least, this time, I save around 10-15 mins of travel time so that I can be with her more.


Last night, my daughter surprised me by showing off her malambing nature. We were watching MTV while I sang to her when one of the good videos came up. When I looked at her to see what her reaction was to my singing, she made a “nguso”, kissed me and clapped her chubby hands afterwards. Wasn’t that the sweetest? It was the first time she did so without me asking it from her.

The other time she surprised me with her affectionate nature was last week was when I fetched her from her long 4-day stay-over at my grandma’s house. When I opened the door to see ate Linda and her playing she looked up at me and flashed me her big mega-watt, six-toothed grin. What more, she even gave me a big hug when i picked her up.

Although I maybe out of her sight for 12 hours (or more) every weekdays, her “lambing”-ness (self-made word) to me, every time I come home, is the bestest ever reward a mother could ever have.

Walk like a man….talk like a man….

The daughter walked 4 steps yesterday before falling on her butt! Goooo, elise!! A few days (and practices) more and we’ll be chasing her around like crazy. Can’t wait!!

She also did a show over skype video to my parents today. Elise clapped her hands and danced to the “Makulay ang Buhay” Knorr commercial video. Its her favorite commercial same as Kim Chiu’s “Kering-keri”. The grandparents were thrilled! Its great that we enjoy this kind of technology these days. Too bad, nothing still beats the feel of being able to hug your grandchild afterwards. Don’t worry mom and dad, we’ll be able to embrace your
solamente nieta soon.

The Elise Update: 10 months, 3 weeks

1. Can stand for 3-5 seconds on her own, after pulling herself up.
2. Babbles a lot (very madaldal), can’t wait til she calls me mommy
3. Drinks from a cup.
4. Can dance to the tune of “lucky me” and “arimunding”.
5. Mimics sounds and expressions.
6. Can do “beautiful eyes”
7. Understands “no” if you say so.

Still waiting to do:
– clap hands
– hold bottle when feeding
– say mama or dada to the right person

She’ll be turning 1 in 33 days. Planning for that perfect party for the unica hija fills my head all the time.

Milestones @ 10 months

Elise just turned 10 months old today. She’s turning out to be a big, silly, happy (bungisngis) baby. Have yet to go to the pedia to check out her current weight.

At 10 months she reached the following milestones:
– two upper front teeth growing out
– can self feed herself using pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger)
– eats solids – rice and any soft viand (actually eats anything!!)
– can finish 6 oz of milk in one feeding (or 4 oz after meals)
– pulls herself up with support
– can walk with support (either on walker or mommy holding elise’s hands = aching back)
– babbles mama, dada, and tons of syllables
– waves bye-bye

I miss my little girl (and husband) badly. Weekends are just not enough.